Our Services

List Solutions provides a full range of direct marketing services to marketers and agencies

Direct Mail List Procurement

Email List Procurement & Deployment

Email Append

overlay deliverable email addresses to your active, lapsed and former customer file

Reverse Email Append

Overlay name and address postal information to your email only database

Telemarketing Phone Append

overlay current, active phone numbers to your active, lapsed and former customer files

Online List Management and Housing

Let us keep your house file online and accessible to you, your staff and partners for counts and download

Social Media Append and Profile

Append twitter handles, facebook pages and more to understand your clients social involvement

Match and Deploy

deploy emails in conjunction with your direct mail acquisition program


Let our team of statisticians build you a model  (good customer match model, full regression or mail match) or let us oversee and manage model builds with other media owners List Solutions works with such as Meredith Publishing, National Geographic, Hearst Publishing, Abacus, I-Behavior, Datalogix, Wiland and many others

Customer Profiling

Custom profiles for b2c and b2b marketers to better understand what their customers look like

Geo-Demographic Zip Modeling

Looks at your best zips and creates a decile drive, stack ranked solution to find other similar zips.  Creates the ability to fine tune segmentation and make marginal lists profitable

Data Append

Append anywhere from 1 attribute to over 1,000 to your customer file. Demographic, psychographic, behaviorial, attitudinal, RFM and more available, all ala carte

EValidate RX

email hygiene and correction programs for all shapes and sizes

Merge Purge

Ensures that you’re not sending out multiple pieces of mail to the same person/household and removes your house file names so that you can provide acquisition offers that are separate from your communication with your current customers

Contact Us

Find out how we can help your business succeed.