American Baby Magazine Mailing List

SEGMENTS Counts Through 05/31/2014
1,618,745 Total Universe / Base Rate $115.00/M
1,618,745 Active Subscribers $115.00/M
436,913 Prenatal Active Subscribers +$25.00/M
1,186,746 Postnatal Active Subscribers +$25.00/M
535,695 First Time Parents +$16.00/M
3,061 1st Trimester +$25.00/M
168,256 2nd Trimester +$25.00/M
265,596 3rd Trimester +$25.00/M
0 Catalog Rate $95.00/M
0 Fundraising Rate $75.00/M

Published by Meredith Corporation, American Baby Magazine advises and supports expectant and new parents, providing them with expert medical advice, tried-and-true baby care basics, and an up-close look at the latest baby-related merchandise.

AMERICAN BABY targets brand new parents as well as experienced parents who are expecting again. (The older brothers and sisters are typically 2-5 yrs. old.)

With editorial columns that focus on health and nutrition, personal finance, and contemporary style, the magazine attracts a reader motivated to enjoy a happy, prosperous, personal life while planning a healthy, comfortable environment for her new baby. She’s either expecting or a recent new mother, willing to invest time and money during this exciting next phase of her life. Not only is this mom
on top of the latest and greatest in her baby’s health, safety, learning, and everyday needs, but she’s also a savvy young woman with plenty of personal pursuits in addition to parenting.

Median age: 31
Median Income: $47,138
Median Home Value: $157,950
Attended College: 53%
2+ Children in Household: 48%

Sample mail piece required. Payment due 30 days from maildate. Orders cancelled before M/D are subject to $100 Flat Cancel fee, $15/M Run charges, applicable select charges, & flat media fee. Orders cancelled post-merge or after M/D, full rental applies.
——– DATE ——–
08/01/2014 UPDATED
07/28/2014 CONFIRMED

——– SEX ———
14% MALE

——- MEDIA ——–
Controlled circulation

$9.00 Gender
$9.00 SCF
$9.00 STATE
$9.00 Zip
$10.00 3rd Party Blow-In
$16.00 Age
$16.00 Income
$16.00 Lifestyle
$60.00 EMAIL
$85.00 FTP


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